Montreal College of Information Technology
Collège des technologies de l’information de Montréal English flagEN FlagFR

The Montreal College of Information Technology is an institute of higher learning focused on delivering intensive, job-ready IT programs over the last fifteen years.

Using the College’s advanced technology, our instructors provide industry-relevant courses through an engaging learning experience that ensures workforce readiness and resilience. Since MCIT was founded in 2006, over 5,000 graduates have found jobs. Montreal College of Information Technology specializes in Information Technology in Quebec.


Enrolling at MCIT is a strong, purposeful step towards building a thriving professional future. We respond to your commitment by assisting you in choosing the right program and generally facilitating the admissions process.

You can count on our team’s receptive support throughout your study-to-work pathway, from orientation to graduation through to career placement.


At MCIT, you will engage in hands-on, project-based learning activities designed by our field-experienced instructors.

Whatever your chosen program of study, you will actively develop the technical skills that leading employers demand.


With your certificate or diploma in hand, you are now ready to shine in the workforce.

MCIT provides comprehensive job-search assistance, including employer meet & greets and interview preparation.

We give you all the tools you need to prepare and file your applications and watch your career emerge.