This MCIT Certification course serves as an introduction to Selenium, an open-source and portable software testing framework for web applications. By using the fundamentals of java taught in the previous course the students write scripts that are used to perform automated testing of applications on different browsers and operating systems by using the basics of automation and its related frameworks.
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This module presents the concepts of Automation testing and manual testing, why the organizations prefer automation over manual testing, fundamentals of the automation testing and finally understanding rge Selenium framework.
This module presents the concepts like Selenium and why is it in demand, it's Features, WebDriver Architecture, Basics of HTML, Getting to know the web elements in an application and Tags, attributes and forms
This module presents the concepts like set up the environment for automation, using drivers for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, First WebDriver program demonstration, basic methods to locate UI elements in a web page, importance of attributes in locating elements and locators and Locating Techniques and web driver script that logs in to your Linked-In account.
This module provides the Xpath used managing popups that appear in web applications, A web driver script that dismisses any pop-ups or alerts that appear on a website.On the same website locate elements using their Xpath.
This module presents the access different elements in a form like a checkbox, buttons, textbox, etc and Choosing options in dropdowns and web driver script that accesses web elements in a form in a website and works with them, like clicking on buttons and checking boxes.
This module presents the setting the default time for all elements in a web page to load, Explicitly specifying the time to load for specific elements and Write a web driver script that waits for 10 seconds for the elements to appear on a website.
This module presents set up the environment for TestNG framework, significance of TestNG in reducing time and effort, Executing multiple test cases, Annotations and why are they useful and Testing.xml for initiating execution
This module presents the ordering test case execution using priorities, Executing test cases in multiple classes, Generating test execution reports and Write a web driver script that executes multiple test cases in multiple classes and assigns priorities to test cases in individual classes.
This module presents the grouping test cases, Creating dependent test cases, Passing parameters using data providers, write a web driver script that groups test cases in a class.
This module presents the triggering actions on the occurrence of events like a failed test, Linking listeners with test cases.
This module presents the using parameters for different test files, Passing parameters for executing tests with different inputs, Creating scripts that make use of TestNG concepts like Listeners and parameters.
This module helps you to understanding the significance of design patterns in programming, Merits of the POM design pattern, Implementing the POM design pattern for test case execution, File upload and download, Switching frames, Uploading and Downloading Files, Switch frames in an application.
This module helps you to set up the environment for executing tests in Firefox, Execute tests in Firefox and Mozilla
While we encourage all interested applicants to apply, to gain acceptance into our Bootcamp you must:
Have a High School Diploma or equivalent, Complete an interview with a member of our Admissions Team, Commit to program and job search requirements.
Official Automated Testing with Selenium Certification
Upon completing this course, you will receive an industry-recognized