Montreal College of Information Technology
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Google Cloud - Associate Level

This Google Cloud associate level certification is an intermediate level certification can be used as a steppingstone to professional-level certifications. This certification makes the associate more familiar working with Google Cloud and its components. On doing this certification the associate will able to code and work with all the components of the Google Cloud. The Google Cloud Associate can also describe common business use cases and how cloud solutions support an enterprise. Concepts like Compute, Storage, Database, security, pricing, load balancing, containers and Networking solutions in Google Cloud (GCP) are clearly explained.

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 6pm - 9pm


  • Google Cloud - Associate Level

    Get trained by industry Experts

    Our courses are delivered by professionals with years of experience having learned first-hand the best, in-demand techniques, concepts, and latest tools.
  • Google Cloud - Associate Level

    Official Certification curriculum

    Our curriculum is kept up to date with the latest official Certification syllabus and making you getting ready to take the exam.
  • Google Cloud - Associate Level

    Tax Credit

    Claim up to 25% of tuition fees and education tax credit from your taxes
  • Google Cloud - Associate Level

    Discount on Certification Voucher

    Upto 50 percent discount voucher will be provided.
  • Google Cloud - Associate Level

    24/7 Lab access

    Our students have access to their labs and course materials at any hour of the day to maximize their learning potential and guarantee success.


Google Cloud - Associate Level

This module explains the basic overview of the cloud computing, regions and zones available in the GCP, concepts of Google Compute Engine (GCE) like creating the first virtual machine, machine types and images, Internal and External IP addresses, Static IP address, Webserver setup using GCE, creating VM using instance templates and custom image and finally working with GCP console. 

This module provides an overview about one of the important concepts of Google cloud associate which is the billing and improvements in performance. Topics like sustained use discounts, committed use discounts, billing for Google Compute Engine, achieving high availability with live migration and automatic restart, custom machine types, exploring GPU’s in the GCE and best practices for virtual machines in GCP. 

This module makes you get familiar about the Gcloud topics like Gcloud config set, managing multiple configurations, command structure in Gcloud , Gcloud compute instances, default region and zone, commands like list and describe, compute instances in Gcloud, instance templates in Gcloud, managed instance groups (MIG), rolling update & restart V2, Gcloud and MIG – making updates and managing template updates V2. 

This module discussed about the concepts of load balancing and managed services in the GCP.  Load balancing concepts like creating a load balancer in GCP, understanding cloud load balancing terminology, exploring, and choosing the load balancer in GCP, features of load balancer. Managed services concepts like IAAS, PAAS, evolution of containers and container orchestration, serverless and GCP compute services. 

This module provides the information about the concept of Google App Engine like standard and flexible environments in GCP, App Engine Components Hierarchy, scaling Google App Engine Instances, working with google app engine, splitting traffic, routing requests, google app instances, google app services and versions, creating cronjobs and exploring YAML files. GKE concepts like creating a cluster, scaling, and resizing node pools, autoscaling, config map and secrets, pods, Google container registry GCR and deployments and replica sets in Kubernetes. 

This module presents the idea about the google cloud functions and its concepts, creating the first google cloud function, Gen 2 – google cloud functions, scaling and concurrency and deploying cloud functions and Google cloud run concepts.  

This module deals with how data is encrypted in the google cloud, understanding data states, understanding Encryption – Symmetric and asymmetric, working with cloud KMS. Exploring various storage options in Google cloud like block, file and object storage in GCP, local SSD’s, persistent disks and types, snapshots, playing with machine images, filestore, global, regional and zonal resources, cloud storage in GCP, objects and buckets, storage classes, SLA, uploading and downloading options, versioning, lifecycle management and encryption with KMS. 

This module explains one of the important concepts of the google cloud called authorization and authentication with google cloud IAM, creating roles, members, and policy, predefines, basic and custom roles, using cloud IAM command line, service accounts and access control lists (ACL), Signed URL’s and exposing a public website using cloud storage. 

This module covers the concepts of various databases available in the google cloud like Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, BigQuery, Firestore, Datastore, BigTable and Memory store with the databases fundamentals like availability, durability, RTP, RPO, read replicas, data consistency. Working with the above-mentioned databases is also clearly explained with the demos on clod SQL, Memory Store, importing and exporting relational and NoSQL databases. 

This module presents the idea about one of the important Google cloud computing concepts like Pub Sub, publishing and consuming a message, working with cloud Pub Sub from Command Line. Concepts of Cloud VPC like need for VPC Subnets, Creating VPCs and Subnets, CIDR Blocks, Firewall rules, Shared VPC, VPC peeing, implementing hybrid cloud with cloud VPN and cloud interconnect. 

This module provides you with an idea of Google Cloud Monitoring, Google Cloud Logging – audit logs, routing logs and exports, cloud storage bucket and cloud functions, google cloud trace and google cloud debugger, google cloud profiler. Organizing Google Cloud resources into projects, folders and organization, exploring billing accounts, organization policy services, resource hierarchy, exploring IAM roles, organization, billing and project, exploring IAM predefined roles in various google cloud components, logging and service accounts and SSHing into Linux VM”S. 

This module provides an idea about google cloud inbuilt pricing calculator, how it works for getting pricing estimates about the compute options, databases and other components. Important services like cloud deployment manger, cloud marketplace and cloud DNS, Cloud Dataflow and Cloud Dataproc are also explained. 



For Networking professionals who want to familiarize with terminology and concepts as they compare to the GCP platform and navigate the GCP Management Console in their jobs on a daily basis.
For those who would like to learn more about the foundational servers, Google Compute Engine (GCE), Google Virtual network and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
Those seeking to validate a professional ability to work with Google cloud database services, including Cloud BigTable and Cloud Spanner.
Professionals seeking an increase in salary in the long run. In a similar survey done among employers, statistics indicate that a recruit feels more comfortable hiring a certified professional than recruiting a non-certified professional.

Eligibility and Requirements

A high school or a college degree is required to gain the knowledge of this certificate.



Google Cloud Cloud Digital Leader is a prerequisite course which is suggested to be taken before this course which provides
the required basic knowledge about google cloud. Knowledge of any programming language and networking is suggested to make learning of this course easy.

Google Cloud Certified - Associate Level


Upon completing this cerification course you will:

  •  Receive an industry-recognized certificate from MCIT.
  • Be preapred for the official Google Cloud Certified  - Associate Level Certification.


— F.A.Q —

Definitely. Please feel free to contact our office, we will be more than happy to work with you to meet your training needs.
All of our exceptionally skilled instructors have a decent experience of training and industry experience and are AW certified in the respective field. Each of them through a rigorous selection procedure that included profile screening, technical examination, and a training demo. 
Yes, there are vouchers to take the official exam.
Upon completion of the certification course classes you will be provided with an MCIT certificate.